Question One:
Which television advertisement did you enjoy the most? (Circle or tick one)
+ McDonalds Breakfast Wrap
+ Capital FM
+ E-Lites Electronic Cigarettes
+ Cadbury Crème Egg
Question Two:
In your opinion which genre makes the most memorable advertisement? (Circle or tick as many as required)
+ Romance
+ Humour / Comedy
+ Action
+ Music
+ Fashion
+ Beauty Products / Cosmetics
+ Sport
Question Three:
Do you like when an advertisement is narrated? (Circle or tick one)
+ Yes
+ No
Question Four:
Do you think that a tag line / catch phrase is an important factor in advertising? (Circle or tick one)
+ Yes
+ No
Question Five:
Do you think that featuring a celebrity in an adverting campaign makes it more effective? (Circle or tick one)
+ Yes
+ No
Question Six:
How long do you think that a television advertisement should be? (Circle or tick one)
+ 10 - 20 seconds
+ 20 - 30 seconds
+ 30 - 40 seconds
+ 40 - 50 seconds
+ 50 + seconds
Questionnaire Results:
After I had collected my surveys I put all of the answers into a table below. I then created a variety of charts using these answers to show the results of this survey, conducted on fifteen people.
Question One -
Overall the people that I surveyed enjoyed the Capital FM advertisement the most. This was interesting as this was the only television advertisement I included that features celebrities, of which 87% said that they thought that this made a television advertisement more effective (see question five). The next popular advertisement was for E-Lites, which featured a baby dancing to Gangnam Style. Again this ties in with another question, (question two) where most people surveyed said that they thought that using humor or comedy in an advertisement made it more memorable. The people surveyed enjoyed the McDondalds advertisement and the Cadbury Creme Egg advertisement as much as each other.
Question Two -
Humour and comedy seemed to be a popular choice when making a memorable television advertisement, along with music. Fashion and beauty items were a popular choice along with featuring romance and relationships. Sport was the least popular option.
Question Three -

The results of this question are almost even. One more person preferred a television advertisement not to feature a narrator. This shows that most people do not mind whether or not an advertisement featured a narrative throughout.
Question Four -
Most people surveyed thought that having a catch phrase or tag line was an important factor. Most preferred when an advertisement featured a slogan and said that it helped them to remember the advertisement. This survey has shown me that a tag line or catch phrase helps to make an advertisement memorable.
Question Five -
This questionnaire showed that most people surveyed thought that using a celebrity to endorse a product made the viewer more likely to purchase a product. Of the people surveyed, Thirteen out of the Fifteen agreed that celebrities helped to sell products.
Question Six -
Overall the people that I surveyed thought that shorted advertisements were more effective that longer advertisements. A third of the people preferred a television advertisement to be between twenty to thirty seconds long. The next popular answer was between ten to twenty seconds, with some saying that a 'short and sweet' advertisement is very effective. Only one person enjoyed advertisements that were longer than fifty seconds long, saying that they enjoyed when an advertisement told a story.
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