Structure -
This advertisement for McDonalds features many different people eating a McDonalds Breakfast Wrap. The reason for this is to show that anyone can eat one anywhere. A wide range of different people are featured to show that literally anyone who does any job can eat them. This is a good way to market the product as it means that it appeals to everyone.
The advertisement begins at a McDonald’s restaurant in the morning, showing the viewer where they can purchase the product. We see that it is morning from the sunrise behind the restaurant. This is done to show the viewer that this product is for breakfast time. The next scenes show many different people eating the wrap. They use rhyming words to make the advert interesting, for example 'In a van, with a man', 'Under a brolly, with a Collie' and 'Watching the telly, with a wellie'. This is funny for the viewer as some of the scenarios are made up, such as the wellie scenario. This also keeps the viewers attention and draws them in as they want to carry on watching the advertisement to see what will happen next. The last line of the poem, 'Or just at a table, by yourself', breaks the rhyming pattern to be humorous and to show that it can be eaten anywhere. The previous examples are the least likely to happen as most people would eat the product in a restaurant, so they save this for last.
It follows a non-linear pattern as none of the scenes follow on from one another and they do not tell a story. However, the advertisement does start and end at McDonalds, meaning the there is some order to it and to emphasise where the product can be purchased. The soundtrack is cheery and upbeat, which keeps the viewer in suspense as it builds up, making the viewer interested in what is going to happen next. The music builds up until it gets to the point where we see the man eating the wrap alone in McDonalds. This breaks the music as well as the rhyme. There is a voice over throughout the advertisement, reading the poem and then explain what is in the new breakfast wrap at the end of the advert. He uses the word 'delicious' to entice the viewer and to make them want to try the new wrap. The very end of the advertisement features McDonalds well know theme tune along with their logo to emphasise where the product is from. Most of the scenarios feature people at work, encouraging the viewer to purchase this wrap on their way to work.
It is a standalone television advertisement as there are no similar adverts and it does not follow on from another. However it follows the same style and conventions as most McDonald’s television advertisements, showing the viewer what it advertises. The same male voice is used as a voice over on all McDonald’s adverts which links them all together.
Techniques -
The camera techniques include a long shot at the beginning of the advertisement, highlighting the fact that this is where the product can be purchased. Panning is used in all shots, apart from the final shot where the man is eating a wrap on his own in the restaurant. This is done to keep the viewers interest and to set the scene on all of the scenarios. Down panning is used when we see a man sat on a bench and his shoes are emphasised by the camera as they are spoken about in the poem. When we see a lady sat in a box full of socks the camera zooms out from above. The camera is on a tripod and stationary when we see the man sat eating his wrap alone at the end. This is because the music stops and the poem no longer rhymes, showing that this is the most typical scenario. This is humorous as all of the other scenarios are less likely to happen and they have clearly been included to be silly and funny to the viewer. The end of the advert shows the product in an upwards panning shot, clearly showing all of the ingredients. It is filmed to make the viewer want to eat the product, which is why the McDonald’s logo flashes up at the end to reiterate where it can be purchased.
Lighting in this advertisement is mostly natural., apart from inside, when it is high key. At the very start the lighting on the McDonalds restaurant is naturally lit as the camera is filming a building outside. Most of the scenarios feature natural light as they are filmed outdoors. The scene where the lady is watching television with a wellington boot there are visible shadows on her face, meaning high key lighting is used. Artificial light is used on the scenarios shot inside as we can see shadows on the actors faces. This is so that viewers can see what is happening in the scenes properly and so that the things mentioned in the poem are clearly visible to the viewer.
The editing techniques used on this advertisement include cuts to link all of these scenes together. Panning and zooming is used to make these cuts subtler. The end of this advertisement features a close up of the product shot to make it look irresistible to the viewer, making them want the product. An 'M', the McDonalds logo, then covers the screen and we can still see the product through it. This gap then turns yellow, into the McDonalds logo. This will have been added afterwards by the editors to gradually fade out the product to make it into the logo. The final scene reminds the reader yet again where to purchase the product. Repetition is key here as the subconsciously feature McDonalds several times. This is by featuring the restaurant and the inside, which is relatable to most people and they will automatically realise that it is McDonalds without saying the word. This is used because they make the viewer want to try the product by describing it and showing the viewer a close up of the product looking as tasty as possible and they emphasise where it is from, so the next time the viewer is near a McDonalds restaurant they will want to go in and purchase the product.
Who is the target market and how are they targeted by the advertisement?
A wide range of different people are featured to show that literally anyone who does any job can eat them. This is a good way to market the product as it means that it appeals to everyone.
This advertisement
is aimed at a wide range of people, which is the point the advert emphasises.
They try to appeal to most people, meaning more people will purchase the
product. They do not appeal to children as none are featured in the advert,
meaning that this advert is aimed at aged thirteen and older.

Characteristics of the product or service -
McDonald's uses their iconic yellow 'M' logo to show the viewer what the advertisement is for, as well as featuring one of their restaurants at the beginning of the logo. This is used to show that the viewer can purchase the product at their local McDonald's as all of their restaurants ahve a very similar style and layout. This television advertisement also features the same voice over that is used for all of McDonald's advertisements both on the television and radio, which will be relatable to the viewer. The unique selling point of the breakfast wrap is that it can be eaten anywhere and by anyone, which is the point they portray throughout the advertisement. They reiterate that anyone can eat one no matter where you are or what you are doing as it can be eaten on the go, which is the main benefit on the product.
The main competitors for the McDonald's breakfast wrap would be other similar breakfast products that can be eaten on the go. Belvita breakfast biscuits are marketed to emphasise the fact that they can be eaten on the go and they state the health benefits of the product, unlike the McDonald's advertisement. McDonald's market the breakfast wrap to show that it is hot, can be eaten anywhere and is a more substantial breakfast than the biscuits.
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